ASQ-3. What is Developmental Screening and Why Do We Do It?

We want to welcome you to ASQ-3: How to Screen for Developmental Delays!  This course was designed to assist providers in understanding what developmental screaners are, why we use them for young children, and how to appropriately adminsiter the ASQ-3 Developmental screaner.  This course will give you the resources needed to adminsiter the tool and how to score and refer students for further assistance.

To complete this course you must go through each module and lesson then take the quiz associated with each one.  You must obtain 80% to pass the course. When you have finished the lesson and the module please make sure that you click the button “MARK COMPLETE”.  If you have not gone through the whole lesson and completed each task it will not be highlighted orange and will not allow you to move forward. Once you have finished the course you will be able to print your certificate and credit will be applied to ECE-TRIS within ten days.