Understanding and Supporting Children’s Social Needs 1.21



As an early educator, you play a major role in the development of children’s social skills by arranging your setting to promote small and large group social activities throughout the day, fostering the kinds of play that support social development, and encouraging authentic friendships.  You also encourage prosocial behaviors and partner with families to ensure that children build the social skills needed to enjoy life and do well in school.  Strong social skills are the foundation for success in school and work.  We will examine five basic components involved in helping children develop social skills:

  • Understanding the Social Development in Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers
  • Using the Environment to Encourage Positive Social Interactions
  • Supporting Children’s Play
  • Encouraging Children’s Positive Relationships
  • Fostering Prosocial Behaviors

This course is a Level 1

Training Hours: 3

Core Content:1

CDA Content:3


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