Professional Development for Teachers

Take Yourself to The Next Level

Early Child Training Center is made for teachers!

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Professional Development for


Most teachers become early childcare providers because they have a passion for helping children get the best start possible. We admire this about you!

Our courses and training options are designed with you in mind.

Feed your passion, develop your skills, grow your confidence, meet state requirements.

Online Courses

Online Professional Development that fits your passion, increases your skills, builds confidence, all while meeting your continuing education state requirements.

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CPR/AED/First Aid

New regulations require you to be trained in CPR, AED, and First Aid. With 20 years experience, you can trust us to have you prepared and certified.

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Drawing from 40+ years of experience, our staff comes alongside teachers to share practical insights and needed encouragement. 

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CPR TRAINING IS FREE through October 2023!

Sign up your center to receive the training you need.

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Events for Teachers

Online Book Club

If you like to read, enjoy meeting new people in your field, and want a unique approach to meet your ongoing education requirements, this is for you!

In this online course, you will read a chapter of a book, join a teaching/discussion group each week, and earn an hour of credit per chapter!

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In-Person Training

Learning styles vary from teacher to teacher and face-to-face training can be more effective than online courses.

Government and business restrictions coupled with public concerns have put in-person trainings on hold. Check back for updates. 


Get the development Courses You need

Feed your passion, develop your skills, grow your confidence, meet state requirements.

See the Courses